nurse looking out window with senior man

Compliance & Ethics Hotline

Are you aware of potential ethical, compliance, or code of conduct violations at our centers?

Our Compliance & Ethics Hotline is administered through an independent company, is available 24/7, and is completely confidential.

Reporting Options:

  • Report to the Center’s administrator
  • Call the Compliance Hotline at (540)-685-1819
  • Email the Compliance Department

Anonymous Reporting Options

Call our Compliance & Ethics Hotline Toll Free at (844) 990-0008 / (800)216-1288 en EspaƱol or visit the Compliance & Ethics website. Email to file an anonymous report.

Examples of potential violations or concerns include:

  • Theft
  • Fraud, waste, and/or abuse
  • Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Breach of confidentiality (HIPAA)
  • Workplace Violence
  • Code of Conduct violations
  • Substance abuse
  • Falsification of documents
  • Conflict of interests

Contact the CCR Roanoke Office at 540-725-8910 for more information.

  • Corey Thompson
    Corey Thompson Compliance Officer
  • Jeannie Adams, Esq.
    Jeannie Adams, Esq. Director of Legal Services