woman with badge and clipboard smiling in room with elderly couple


As evidence of our commitment to developing a culture of compliance, our Owners/Board of Directors have adopted, developed, and implemented a Compliance Program. This program has become a part of the fabric of the Centers' routine operations. CCR and the Centers endeavor to communicate to all staff, patients and families our intent to comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations through the Compliance Program.

The day-to-day responsibility for operation and oversight of the Compliance Program rests with the Compliance Officer.

  • Corey Thompson
    Corey Thompson Compliance Officer
  • Jeannie Adams, Esq.
    Jeannie Adams, Esq. Director of Legal Services

Are you aware of potential ethical, compliance, or code of conduct violations at our centers?

Reporting Options:

  • Report to the Center’s administrator
  • Call the Compliance Hotline at (540)-685-1819
  • Email the Compliance Department. The Compliance Officer will maintain confidentially upon request.

Anonymous Reporting Options

Call our Compliance & Ethics Hotline Toll Free at (844) 990-0008 / (800)216-1288 en EspaƱol or visit the Compliance & Ethics website. Email reports@lighthouse-services.com to file an anonymous report.

Examples of potential violations or concerns include:

  • Theft
  • Fraud waste, and/or abuse
  • Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Breach of confidentiality (HIPAA)
  • Workplace Violence
  • Code of Conduct violations
  • Substance abuse
  • Falsification of documents
  • Conflict of interests